Marc Fosse to Present Strafford Webinar IRC 83(i) Election for Qualified Equity Grants: Deferral Opportunities for Stock Options and RSUs

Trucker Huss, APC is pleased to announce that Director Marc Fosse will participate in a Strafford webinar panel presentation, “IRC 83(i) Election for Qualified Equity Grants: Deferral Opportunities for Stock Options and RSUs” from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PST on November 19, 2020. The webinar will provide tax advisers with a practical guide to the deferral benefits of Section 83(i) qualified equity grant election contained in the 2017 tax reform law. Panelists will detail what constitutes a qualified grant of stock eligible for deferral treatment, discuss the mechanics of making the election, and describe the latest IRS guidance. The presentation will also detail potential drawbacks that firms and employees should consider when making the election.

Click here to learn more about the event.

Marc provides practical solutions for clients on matters relating to all aspects of employee benefits.  His current focus is primarily on tax, securities, corporate and accounting issues related to executive and equity compensation arrangements.

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