Briana B. Desch

IRS Allows for Temporary Flexibility with Long-Awaited Guidance that Expands Mid-Year Election Change Opportunities for Cafeteria Plans

GISUE MEHDI and BRIANA B. DESCH, July 9, 2020   In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2020-29 and Notice 2020-33 (the “Notices”) on May 12, 2020. Notice 2020-29 provides increased flexibility for participants to make mid-year health plan, health flexible spending account (“Health […]

Internal Revenue Service Provides Transition Relief to Code Section 403(b) Plans for Violations of the Once-In-Always-In Rule

T. KATURI KAYE and BRIANA B. DESCH, April, 2019      The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued guidance providing transition relief to employers who have not correctly applied the “once-in-always-in” rule (the “OIAI rule”) and, as a result, have wrongfully excluded part-time employees from participating in their Internal Revenue Code (Code) Section 403(b) plans. […]