Mary Powell of Trucker Huss Addresses the Commonwealth Club on “The Secret Behind High Drug Costs”

Trucker Huss, APC Director Mary Powell will join a panel of speakers to discuss “The Secret Behind High Drug Costs” at The Commonwealth Club, San Francisco on Thursday, October 17 from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m.

This event will discuss the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs and the dangerous implications for patients. Attendees will learn about:

  • pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), an industry secret that helps explains why drug prices are both confusing and expensive;
  • how PBMs are one of the main entities that control the amount paid for prescription drugs;
  • why discounts don’t get to the patient; and
  • alternatives to the traditional PBM model, as a way to reduce costs.

Mary will be joined by Pramod John, Ph.D., CEO of VIVIO Healthand David Wiesner, MBA, Employee Benefits Consultant, Principal at Edgewood Partners Insurance Center

Click here to learn more about the event.

Mary Powell has two decades of experience in all aspects of employee benefits. Currently, her main focus is assisting employers with the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and drafting executive compensation and nonqualified deferred compensation plans.  Mary assists employers with obtaining Private Letter Rulings from the IRS and she submits comments to the IRS and Department of Labor both prior to the issuance of regulations and in response to proposed guidance issued by those agencies.

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